B2 is the third level of knowing
the language. The student, who knows the language at this
level, should be able to cope with essencial structures of
the language and use communicative strategies relevant
to various situations. He already possesses a better
knowledge of Vocabulary and Grammar in comparison
with other levels. He has already studied a full course of
Grammar: The Noun (number, case), Article , Adjective, and
Numeral, Pronouns, Finite forms of the Verb: Present, Past, Future,
Future in the Past Simple, Progressive, Perfect, Perfect
Progressive, Non-Finite forms of the Verb: the Infinitive, the
Gerund, the Participle, Model Verbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions,
Conditional Sentences (three types), Direct and Indirect
Speech, Sequence of Tenses, word building (suffixes,
prefixes), Phraseology. He goes beyond understanding factual
information by separate points. As for writing He should be
able to form an argument to describe some events,
to narrate, to write essays, convey his own ideas and speak on
the mentioned questions.