The Commentaries Made by the Head of the Public Relations Office Mrs. Mariam Topuria on Tea Nozadze’s Personal Exhibition

On January 24, a personal exhibition of Tea Nozadze’s paintings, titled “Birth”, opened at Tbilisi Museum of History. The arrangement of the aforementioned event is supported by Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary since the artist is a graduate of 2019 of this educational institution where she took the course of Christian Art Theory and History. The Head of the Public Relations Office, Mrs. Mariam Topuria mentions in her interview with the TV channel “Ertsulovneba” that the present exhibition is Tea’s fourth personal one and adds that she participated in the International Exhibition of Europe, held in the September and October of 2019 in Germany. The artist won the first place in the category of senior painters and received the “Prize of the Youth of Art”.

Mrs. Mariam Topuria emphasizes that although Tea Nozadze is a self-taught artist, she is convinced that visitors will perceive the spirit characteristic for her paintings, which marks her out in this creative field. In her opinion, the aforementioned thematic trend, which is the underlying vein of her work, is the result of the theological education, which she received at Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary. 

The Head of the Public Relations Office notes that Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary does not leave its talented students and graduates without attention, doing all in its power to introduce them to the wide society. She also mentions that this goal is coupled with another motivation – apart from introducing them to the public, such support inspires other students to advance in their pursuits. 

Last of all, Mrs. Mariam wishes Tea success in her creative work and thanks the National Museum of Georgia and Tbilisi Museum of History for the support they have extended to the Academy and Seminary lending the exhibition hall for the event without charge.

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