Viewing the Old and New Expositions of the Golden Fund

On the initiative of the teachers of the Faculty of Christian Art Theory and History and the Faculty of Theological Seminary, the third-year students of Tbilisi Theological Seminary visited the Golden Fund of Shalva Amiranashvili State Museum of Art to view its old and new expositions. The students were greatly impressed by the Anchiskhati, Khakhuli, Atsksuri and Tsilkni miraculous icons of the Mother of God, processional crosses and Crusifixes for erection in front of the altar, reliquaries, and other sanctities of our national treasure.

The students were guided by the Head of the Department of Christian Art Theory and History of TTAS, art historian Rusudan Vashalomidze. Mrs. Rusudan imparted extensive and meaningful information to the students about the treasure kept in the Golden Fund, she spoke about the history of the mentioned relics.

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