An International Student Conference

An International Student Conference

On May 13 and 14 of the current year, an international student conference was held in the College (University) of Saint Ignatius the God Bearer in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. The conference was dedicated to the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea. Theological schools from different European countries participated in it.

Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary was represented by the following students enrolled in the program of Theology (Bachelor’s degree): Gabriel Navrozashvili (a third-year student), Davit Ghirsiashvili (a third-year student) and Giorgi Donduashvili (a second-year student). They were supervised by the Dean of the Theological Seminary, Priest Giorgi Vashalomidze.

The audience of the conference were deeply interested in the speeches given by our students. At the end of the conference, the floor was given to Priest Giorgi Vashalomidze, who briefly spoke about the history of Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary and the current situation in this educational institution. He also expressed his hope that the present relationship and cooperation with the host college would be continued in the future.



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