Defense of Bachelor’s Program Theses

Today, on June 29, defense of Bachelor’s program theses was held at two faculties of Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary. The defense of the theses at the Faculty of Christian Psychology was attended by the Chairman of the Commission, Head of the Department of Christian Psychology, Doctor of Psychology Irma Khurtsia, the supervisors of the theses (Archpriest David Tsitskishvili, Doctor of Psychology Lela Tq′eshelashvili, Master of Psychology Natia Pruidze, Master of Psychology Sopiko Gogochashvili, Master of Psychology Natia Tsereteli), the experts (Doctor of Psychology Nana Gogichashvili and Master of Psychology Lela Mujiri) and members of the administration of the school. 12 students presented their works, seven topics in all.
Six students majoring in Ecclesiastical Architectural presented their Bachelor’s theses. These are the graduates of the Faculty of Ecclesiastical Architecture, Icon Painting and Restoration of Easel and Monumental Icon Painting. The supervisors of the theses were Doctor of Architecture Medea Melkadze and Master of Architecture Nana Abramia. The Commission was chaired by His Eminence, Abba David Metropolitan of Alaverdi.
His Eminence David positively evaluated the students’ works, spoke about the importance of exhilaration of the day, the role of the future generation in the study and protection of the architectural monuments inherited from their ancestors.

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