1. VakhtangKurdashvili’s master’s
degree thesis is entitled: “ ‘A Homily on Fasting’ by Saint Basil
the Great” (Translated by Saint EpremMtsire). The homily is unique
for its three versions of translation, existing in the Georgian
language: a Pre-Athonic translation, a version translated by
Euthymius the Athonite and a third one - translated by Saint
EpremMtsire. The supervisor of the thesis is Professor Maia Rapava,
PhD in Philology, its reviewer is Mr. IrakliOrjhonia, PhD in
Theology. The work was assessed as positive by its supervisor,
reviewer and members of the commission.
2. Rati Sturua’s master’s degree
thesis isentitled: “An Old Georgian Translation of Saint Mark the
Monk’s Ascetic Epistle”. The goal of the master’s degree student
was to determine the critical text of the epistle and its
philological and theological analysis. The supervisor of the thesis
is the Head of the Department of Patristics and Dogmatics,
Professor EdisherChelidze, PhD in Theology and Philology, the
reviewer is Mr.IrakliOrjhonia, PhD in Theology. The workwas
assessed as positive by its supervisor, reviewer and members of the