On March 7, 2025, Maia Talakhadze, Assistant of the Head of the Doctoral Program in Theology functioning at the Faculty of Theology of Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary of the Apostolic Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Georgia, defended her dissertation thesis. The topic of the thesis was “Feminist Discourse in the Prose of Contemporary Iranian Women Writers”. The defense was held at the Faculty of Humanities of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
The scientific supervisor was Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Mzia Burjanadze. The reviewers were Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Paata Japaridze and Doctor of Philology, Assistant Professor Mzisa Buskivadze.
The dissertation thesis discusses an important and topical theme in the modern world - feminist discourse, the representation of the subject of women in the prose of modern Iranian women writer, beginning from the initial stage of the feminist movement to emancipation.
The study reflects the process of women seeking their place, social role and purpose in their families and society, described in the works of Iranian female authors who represented different generations of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, following the development of feminist theory.
The dissertation received the highest evaluation from the Commission of the Dissertation Defense, and by the decision of the Dissertation Council, Maia Talakhadze was awarded an academic degree of Doctor of Philology.
The defense was attended by professors, teachers, representatives of the educational and scientific society, and the students of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary and G. Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies.
The personnel and students of Tbilisi Theological Academy and Seminary congratulate Ms. Maia with love and respect on her success and wish her fruitful scientific work.