Department of Church Architecture

The goal of the Department of Church Architecture is to give the students profound theoretical knowledge together with introducing to them development of professional activities.
The department also carries out scientific research activities. It implies aiming at research coordination of Christian Orthodox Architecture, integration of cultural inheritance into local programs and projects, the creation of thematic tendencies in international and local media with the aim of analyzing-popularizing Georgian National Architecture. The priority of the department also lies in cooperation on the international level - arrangement of specialized exhibitions in Georgia and abroad, implementation of professional unions with relevant operating structures in the Christian World, with scientific-research centers, with universities and institutes, with donor organizations.
Head of the department - Archpriest Besarion Menabde.
Subject Areas at the Department of Church Architecture

World Art History

Architectural Graphics


History of Georgian Art

Church Painting

Architectural Sketching

Computer Graphics

Space Modeling and Composition

Architectural Designing (restoration-reconstruction)

Architectural Designing  

Foundations of Rural Planning

Building Materials and technologies

Building Constructions

Engineering Nets

Geodesy and Topography

Engineering Physics
